It's All About The Soil
Your soil is the most important asset to your farm and business. Healthy soils are alive with a buzzing network of soil microbes, organisms and bacteria. All these organisms work together to help your plants absorb the nutrients and water they need for healthy growth. Healthy soils not only benefit the plants and your crop, stock benefit from healthy plants, as does the planet – living soils help sequester carbon from the atmosphere into the soil.
One of the most important relationships in improving the health of your soil, your crop and therefore your farm production system, is the symbiotic relationship between Mycorrhizal fungi and plants.
This fungi lives in the soil and helps the plant access nutrients which it may not be able to on its own. Not only does this relationship improve plant health, in addition, stock which feed on healthy crops put on weight faster and more efficiently.

Re-Gen Farming can work with you to improve and regenerate the biological activity of your most important asset – your soil, with Re-Gen Farming you can
- Increase organic matter
- Improve water infiltration and the water holding capacity of the soil
- Improve the efficiency of your inputs (eg nutrients)
- Address soil structure problems such as hard pans and compacted soils
- Correct pH levels
Healthy Soils increase Profits!
There are many benefits to improving the soil health of your farm. For starters healthy soils need lower rates / less quantities of
- Fertiliser
- Pesticides
- Insecticides
- Fungicides
- Herbicides
Start your journey to soil health by contacting
Soil Health Coach Luke Harrington
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