Seed treated with biostimulant on the left, no seed treatment on the right

Maximising crop yield begins at sowing

We all know the importance of that first drink of mother’s milk to a new born baby, whether it is a new born lamb, calf or human. The protection colostrum gives a new born as a boost to their immunity so they can reach their potential has well been documented, but have we really sat back and thought how we can do the same for plants.

Every year farmers set off sowing millions of tiny seeds which they hope to protect through the growing season, ensuring the crop reaches its full potential and returns a maximum yield. There are limited opportunities throughout the growing season to prevent yield loss and sowing time is one of them.

Many farmers are starting to look differently at their cropping system, for a long time they have been encouraged to prevent failure, but what happens when our mind set changes and we farm to promote life?

A good quality biostimulant and balanced nutrition is the starting point for change, a change to promoting life instead of a defensive preventing failure approach.

A good seed dressing is a plant’s colostrum, giving the seed its initial boost of immunity as the early signs of life emerge from the seed and the first root is sent out. As with a young calf or lamb, if it does not get that initial hit of colostrum it will struggle for the rest of its life.

Conventional pickle treatments aim to prevent failure, but in the process the pickle sterilises the plants micro biome, the micro biome occurs naturally on and around the seed. Hard working microbes were designed by nature to promote plant health, immunity and protection. To me a pickle is like going to the hospital and saying I don’t have cancer but just give me a round of chemo just in case.

There are an emerging range of biological products which can be used as a seed coat / seed dressing to promote microbial activity on and around the seed and newly forming roots. These microbes promote the growth of more microbes, increasing plant health and immunity, giving your plant the best chance to reach its full potential.

Don’t hesitate to give me a call and I can start you in the right direction to giving your crop the best start to reach its full potential.

The top seeds were coated with a biostimulant, while the bottom seeds were coated with a conventional seed treatment. Photo courtesy of Grant Sims
Cover crop with a TM Germination seed treatment prior to sowing
Seeds on the left were treated with a conventional seed treatment, while the seeds on the right were inoculated with TM Germination
Left half of the photo – no inoculation at sowing, on the right seeds were inoculated with NutriSoil and NTS (Nutri – Tech Solutions) at sowing
Seeds coated with NutriSoil and NTS seed start
Seed treated with biostimulant on the left, no seed treatment on the right
Seed on the left coated with NutriSoil left, seed on right no inoculation. Photo courtesy of Photo courtesy of Alex MacAlpine
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