Multispecies cover crop

What’s Your Plan for a Profitable Farming Future?

Across the board, our farmers are faced with agricultural input prices going through the roof, from fertiliser to fuel and everything in-between, and it doesn’t look like they are going down any time soon.

So, what is your plan? Now is the time to look at some strategies to lower your input costs, reduce your stress and enjoy a profitable farming system. If you are ready to incorporate these three goals into your future then there are some questions you need to ask yourself.

  • Do I have a plan that will enable me to use less fertiliser without loss of profit? 
  • Do I have a plan that will help lower my herbicide use and save money while still being effective?
  • Do I have a plan to get away from rescue drugs like insecticides and fungicides? (Which by the way are easier to give up than you’d expect). 
  • Do I have a plan that will help lower your fuel costs?

Lucky for us there is a plan. A well-researched plan which Mother Nature has compiled and implemented through her own R&D for over 4.3 billon years! We just need to be smart enough to work out how we can use her system to our advantage.

In fact with what looks like another wet spring and summer on the way, it is as if she is gifting us an opportunity to start putting a plan into action, a plan which can create abundance on your land. Even though putting the pieces of the puzzle together and the different systems can seem extremely complex, the great thing is we can break it down and make the solutions reasonably simple.

Over the next 4 weeks we are going to break the simple solutions down and look at them in more detail. By following the RE-Gen Farming Blog over the next 4 weeks you can start putting together a plan for your farming future, with lower costs, reduced stress and more profitability.

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